出生年月 |
1965年 |
籍贯 |
辽宁 |
职称 |
教授,博士生导师 |
学历 |
博士 |
电话 |
010-82315354 |
办公室 |
系别 |
智能系统与控制工程系 |
职务 |
电子信箱 |
ljk@buaa.edu.cn |
传真 |
网址 |
ljk.buaa.edu.cn |
1 高校博士点基金项目(编号:20121102110008)
2 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(编号:61374048)
留学生课程《Intelligent Control》
1 Zhijie Liu, JinkunLiu,Wei He, Dynamic modeling and vibration control of a flexible aerial refueling hose, Aerospace Science and Technology,2016, 55,92–102
2 TingtingMeng, Wei He, Hong Yang, Jinkun Liu, Wei You, Vibration Control for a Flexible Satellite System with Output Constraints, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s11071-016-2854-6
3 Liu Zhijie, Liu Jinkun, Partial differential equation boundary control of a flexible manipulator with input saturation, International Journal of Systems Science, 2016, DOI: 10.1080/00207721.2016.1152416
4 T.T.Jiang, J.K.Liu, W. He, Boundary control for a flexible manipulator with a robust state observer, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2016, DOI: 10.1177/1077546316635343
5 T.T.Jiang, J.K.Liu, W. He, Boundary and Distributed Control for a Nonlinear Three-Dimensional Euler-Bernoulli Beam Based on Infinite Dimensional Disturbance Observer, Asian Journal of Control, 2016, 18(6):1-17
6 Y.Zhang,J.Liu,W.He, Vibration Control for a Nonlinear Three-Dimensional Flexible Manipulator Trajectory Tracking, International Journal of Control, 2016,1-49
7 Wei He, Chuan Yang, Juxing Zhu, Jinkun Liu and Xiuyu He, Active vibration control of a nonlinear three dimensional Euler Bernoulli beam, Journal of Vibration and Control,2016, 1–20
8 Liu Zhijie, Liu Jinkun, Adaptive Boundary Control of a Flexible Manipulator With Input Saturation, International Journal of Control, 2016, 89(6): 1191-1202
9 H.J.Yang, J.K.Liu, Distributed Piezoelectric Vibration Control for a Flexible-Link Manipulator based on an Observer in the Form of Partial Differential Equations, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016, 363: 77-96
10 Qing He, Jinkun Liu, Observer based stabilisation of a class of nonlinear systems in the presence of measurement delay, International Journal of Control, 2016, 89(6): 1180-1190
11 H.J.Yang, J.K.Liu, Minimum Parameter Learning Method for an N-Link Manipulator with Nonlinear Disturbance Observer, International Journal of Robotics & Automation, 2016, DOI: 10.2316/Journal.206.2016.3.206-4442
12 Qing He, Jinkun Liu, An observer for a velocity-sensorless VTOL aircraft with time-varying measurement delay[J]. International Journal of Systems Science, 2015, 47(3): 652–661
13 W.He, H.Qin,J.K.Liu, Modelling and vibration control for a flexiblestring system in three-dimensional space, IET Control Theory & Applications,2015,doi: 10.1049/iet-cta.2015.0237,www.ietdl.org
14 Zhu Guoqiang and Liu Jinkun, Neural Network-Based Adaptive Backstepping Control for Hypersonic Flight Vehicles with Prescribed Tracking Performance, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/591789,2015
15 W.He, T.T.Meng,J.K.Liu,H.Qin, Boundary control of a Timoshenko beam system withinput dead-zone, International Journal of Control, 2015, 88(6):1257–1270
16 H.J.Yang, J.K.Liu, L.Xu, Observer design for a flexible-link manipulatorwith PDE model, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2015, 341:237–245
17 T.T.Jiang, J.K.Liu, W. He, Boundary Control for a Flexible Manipulator based on Infinite Dimensional Disturbance Observer, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2015, 348(21):1–14
18 T.T.Jiang, J.K.Liu, W. He, A Robust Observer Design for a Flexible Manipulator based on PDE Model, Journalof Vibration and Control, 2015, DOI: 10.1177/1077546315587443
19 Qing He, Jinkun Liu, Sliding mode observer for a class of globally Lipschitz nonlinear systems with time-varying delay and noise in itsoutput, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2014,8(14): 1328–1336
20 Zhang Linjun, Liu Jinkun, Adaptive boundary control for flexible two-link manipulator based on partial differential equation dynamic model, IET Control Theory & Application,2013,7(1):43-51
21 Zhang Linjun, Liu Jinkun. Observer-based partial differential equation boundary control for a flexible two-link manipulator in task space, IET Control Theory & Application,2012,6(13):2120-2133
22 P.P.San, B.Ren, S.S.Ge, T.H.Lee, J.K.Liu. Adaptive Neural Network Control of Hard Disk Drives with Hysteresis Friction Nonlinearity, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2011, 19(2): 351-358
23 Minghui Zheng, Qiang Zhan, Jinkun Liu, Yao Cai. Control of a Spherical Robot: Path Following Based on Nonholonomic Kinematics and Dynamics, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2011,24(3): 337-345
著 作
1 刘金琨,RBF神经网络自适应控制Matlab仿真,北京:清华大学出版社,2014,1
2 刘金琨,智能控制第三版(教材),电子工业出版社,2014,1
3 刘金琨,沈晓蓉,赵龙,系统辨识理论及Matlab仿真(教材),电子工业出版社,2013,2
4 刘金琨,滑模变结构控制Matlab仿真第三版-基本理论与设计方法,清华大学出版社,2015
5 刘金琨,滑模变结构控制Matlab仿真第三版-先进控制系统设计方法,清华大学出版社,2015
6 刘金琨,先进PID控制Matlab仿真第四版,电子工业出版社,2016
7 王新华,刘金琨,微分器设计与应用—信号滤波与求导,电子工业出版社. 2010
8 刘金琨,机器人控制系统的设计与Matlab仿真,北京:清华大学出版社,2008,6
9 Jinkun LIU,RBF Neural Network Control for Mechanical Systems_Design, Analysis and Matlab Simulation, Tsinghua & Springer Press, 2013
10 Jinkun LIU, Xinhua Wang, Advanced Sliding Mode Control for Mechanical Systems_Design, Analysis and Matlab Simulation, Tsinghua & Springer Press, 2011