

出生年月 |
1979年6月 |
籍贯 |
山东济南 |
职称 |
研究员 |
学历 |
博士 |
电话 |
010-82338619 |
办公室 |
E306 |
系别 |
系统仿真与智慧制造 |
职务 |
系副主任 |
电子信箱 |
传真 |
网址 |
http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/renlei/zh_CN/index.htm |
2014.9:访问法国University Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC)
2013.6:访问美国Wisconsin-Madison University
2012.1——2012.4:访问新加坡国立大学计算机系,新加坡A Star HPC高性能计算技术研究所2011.9:访问意大利热那亚大学,加拉布里亚大学
2005——2009:中国科学院 软件研究所 人机交互技术与智能信息处理实验室
1998——2005:山东大学 计算机科学与技术学院
2009——2011:北航 教育部复杂产品先进制造系统工程研究中心 博士后
2011——至今:北航 自动化科学与电气工程学院 系统仿真与智慧制造系;
教育部复杂产品先进制造系统工程研究中心 研究员;
北京航空航天大学 云制造技术研究中心 副主任;
北京航空航天大学 集成制造及仿真技术实验室 副主任;
国家863云制造重大项目总体组 主任
1. 云制造,工业互联网,工业4.0,工业云,智能制造,3D打印云平台
2. 大数据分析,大数据可视化,商业智能,以及在工业、企业、金融、交通、移动互联网用户画像、软件设计优化等领域的大数据应用
3. 认知计算,网群智能,智能人机交互
4. 建模与仿真,虚拟现实CPS系统集成
作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、国家863项目课题、中国博士后科学基金、教育部课题基金、工信部等课题10余项,作为主要骨干参加国家级科研项目近20项,包括863项目5项、973项目3项、自然科学基金项目6项、国家科技支撑项目2项等。此外还参加了国防重大预研、中国工程院咨询研究项目、北京市科技计划、中国航天科工集团项目、中国石化集团公司项目等。在International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing、International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology、Enterprise Information Systems、 Journal of Visual Languages and Computing、软件学报、计算机学报、计算机集成制造系统等知名期刊、及建模仿真领域国际顶级会议SummerSim、制造领域国际著名会议 ASME MSEC等刊物上发表SCI/EI论文60余篇,SCI单篇引用至少50次,3篇ESI高引论文(Highly Cited Papers in last ten years by Essential Citation Indicators),据Google Scholar引用1800余次。以我国大型制造企业为应用背景,领导研发了近20个软件系统,申请专利和软件著作权20余项。获得教育部科技进步二等奖一项。
Journal Papers[1] Lei Ren, L Zhang, F Tao, X Zhang, Y Luo, Y Zhang. A methodology towards virtualization-based high performance simulation platform supporting multidisciplinary design of complex products [J]. Enterprise Information Systems, Taylor & Francis.2012,6(3):267-290.
[2] Lei Ren, Zhang L, Tao F, Zhao C, Chai X, Zhao X. Cloudmanufacturing: From concept to practice. Enterprise Information Systems. 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17517575.2013.839055
[3] Lei Ren, Zhang L, Wang L, Tao F, Chai X. Cloudmanufacturing: Key characteristics and applications. International Journal ofComputer Integrated Manufacturing. 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0951192X.2014.902105
[5] Lei Ren, Yi Du, Shuai Ma, Xiaolong Zhang, Guozhong Dai. Visual analytics towards big data [J]. Journal of Software. 2014,25( 9 ):1909-1936.
[7] Lei Ren, W Wang, D Teng, C Ma, G Dai, H Wang. Focus+Context Technique for Interactive Visualization of Large Hierarchies [J]. Journal of Software. 2008,19(11):3073-3082.
[8] Lei Ren, H Yang, Y Liu, C Ma, D Teng. An Intelligent Pen-Based Whiteboard System for Dynamic Geometry Visualization [J]. Journal of Software. 2007,18 (S): 120-128.
[9] Lei Ren, W Wang, D Teng, C Ma, G Dai, H Wang. Fisheye View for Visualization of Large Tree by Packing Nested Circles [J]. Journal Of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics. 2008,20(3):298-303.
[10] M Chen, Lei Ren, F Tian, C Deng, G Dai. Post-WIMP User Interface Model for Personal Information Management [J]. Journal of Software. 2011,22(5):1082-1096.
[11] Q Lin, Lei Ren, Y Chen, K Fan, G Dai. The Design of InteUigent Dynamic Geometric Software Based on the Enhanced LIMD Arithmetic [J]. Chinese Journal of Computers. 2006,29(12): 2163-2171.
[12] M Chen, C Deng, Lei Ren, F Tian, G Dai. Research on a Model Driven Development Framework for Pen-Based User Interface [J]. Acta Electronica Sinica. 2011, 39(2):268-274.
[13] H Yang, C Ma, D Teng, Lei Ren, G Dai, H Wang. Research and Implementation of Sketch—Based System Framework [J]. Journal Of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics. 2008,20(9): 1212-1218.
[14] Bohu Li, L Zhang, Lei Ren, X Chai, et al. Further discussion on cloud manufacturing [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2011,17(3):449-457.
[15] Lei Ren, L Zhang, Y Zhang, F Tao, Y Luo. Resource virtualization in cloud manufacturing [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems,2011,17(3):511-518.
[16] C Ma, Lei Ren, D Teng, H Wang, G Dai. Ubiquitous human-computer interaction in cloud manufacturing [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems,2011,17(3):544-510.
[17] L Zhang, Y Luo, W Fan, F Tao, Lei Ren. Analyses of cloud manufacturing and related advanced manufacturing models [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems,2011,17(3):458-468.
[18] F Tao, L Zhang, H Guo, Y Luo, Lei Ren. Typical characteristics of cloud manufacturing and several key issues of cloud service composition [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems,2011,17(3):477-486.
[19] L Zhang, Y Luo, F Tao, Lei Ren, H Guo. Key technologies for the construction of manufacturing cloud [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2010, 16(11):2510-2520.
Conference Proceedings
[20] Ren,L., Zhang, L., Zhao, C., & Chai, X., 2013. "Cloudmanufacturing platform: operating paradigm, functional requirements, andarchitecture design". ASME 2013 International Manufacturing Science andEngineering Conference (MSEC2013), Paper number MSEC2013-1185, Madison, WI,June 10-14.
[21] Ren, L., 2012. "Cloudmanufacturing platform architecture". Proceedings of the 24thEuropean Modeling & Simulation Symposim, Vienna,373-378.
[22] Lei Ren, Lin Zhang. VSim: A Virtual Simulation Framework for High Performance Simulation[C]. Proc. 2010 Summer Simulation Multiconference, 2010, pp.38-44.
[23] Lei Ren, Lin Zhang, Yabin Zhang, Yongliang Luo, Qian Li. Key Issues in Cloud Simulation Platform Based on Cloud Computing[C]. Proc. the 23rd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium, 2011, pp.502-507.
[24] Y Luo, L Zhang, F Tao, Yuan B, Lei Ren. Study on the servilization of simulation capability. [C]. Proc. the 23rd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium, 2011, pp.105-110.
[25] Lei Ren, L Zhang, D Teng, G Dai, Q Li. DOI-Wave: A Focus+Context Interaction Technique for Networks Based on Attention-Reactive Interface. Visual Information Communication, Springer. 85-94, 2009.
[26] Lei Ren, Lin Zhang. An Efficient IT Energy-Saving Approach Based on Cloud Computing for Networked Green Manufacturing[J]. Advanced Materials Research,Trans Tech Publications. 2010, 139-141: 1374-1377.
[27] Lei Ren, Lin Zhang. A Virtualization Approach for Distributed Resources Security in Network Manufacturing[C]. Proc. The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2010), IEEE Press,2010, pp. 1524-1528.
[28] Lei Ren, Yongliang Luo, Yabin Zhang. Study on Fault Tolerance for Virtualization-based Computer Simulation Systems[J]. Advanced Materials Research,Trans Tech Publications. 2011,201-203:677-680.
[29] Lei Ren, Lin Zhang, Fei Tao. A virtual SOA model for network manufacturing integration[C]. Proc. The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering (MACE 2010), IEEE Press, 2010, pp. 3570-3573.
[30] Lei Ren, Yabin Zhang, Lin Zhang, Baocun Hou. Run-time Environment Construction Approach for Virtualized Simulation System[C]. Proc. The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Integrated Systems (ICISS 2010), IEEE Press, 2010, pp. 583-586.
[31] H Guo, L Zhang, F Tao, Lei Ren, Y Luo. Research on the measurement method of flexibility of resource service composition in cloud manufacturing[J]. Advanced Materials Research,Trans Tech Publications. 2010,139-141:1451-1454.
[32] D Wang, Lei Ren, J Li. Modeling Intelligent Transportation Systems with Multi-Agent on SOA[C]. Proc. The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Integrated Systems (ICISS 2010), IEEE Press, 2010, pp. 717-720.
[33] Y Zhang, Bohu Li, Lei Ren, X Chai, B Hou. Research on Virtualization-based Simulation Environment Dynamically Building Technology for Cloud Simulation[C]. Proc. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information Security and Artificial Intelligence (ISAI 2010),IEEE Press, 2010, pp. 394-398.
[34] Y Zhang, Lei Ren, X Chai, B Hou. Research on Virtual Simulation Resource Modeling in Cloud Simulation[C]. Proc. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information Security and Artificial Intelligence (ISAI 2010), IEEE Press, 2010, pp. 582-586.
[35] Y Zhang, Lei Ren, X Chai, B Hou. Research on the Application Pattern of Cloud Simulation based on Virtualization-based Simulation Technology[C]. Proc. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Future Information Technology (ICFIT 2010), IEEE Press, 2010, pp. 397-401.
[36] Q Li, H Xu, D Wang, Lei Ren, C Ma. SSOA-E: Research on semantic service oriented architecture for education information system integration[C]. Proc. 2009 IEEE International Symposium on IT in Medicine and Education, IEEE Press,2009, pp. 184-189.
[37] Q Li, Y Liu, H Xu, Lei Ren, C Ma. An intelligent interactive pen-based whiteboard for dynamic geometry teaching[C]. Proc. 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Information Technologies and Application in Education, IEEE Press,2007, pp. 396-401.
[38] Y Luo, L Zhang, D He, Lei Ren, F Tao. Study on Multi-View Model for Cloud Manufacturing[J]. Advanced Materials Research,Trans Tech Publications. 2011,201-203:685-690.
[39] F Tao, Y Cheng, L Zhang, Y Luo, Lei Ren. Cloud Manufacturing[J]. Advanced Materials Research,Trans Tech Publications. 2011,201-203:672-676.
[40] L Mu, Lei Ren, D Liu, Y Wu, Y Shen, L Zhang. A Visualization Technology of Electromagnetic Environment Based on Parabolic Equation Method [C]. Proc. 2011 International Conference in Electrics, Communication and Automatic, Springer.
[41] D Liu, L Zhang, Lei Ren, Y Wu, L Mu, Y Shen. Modeling and Simulation of Large-domain Complex Electromagnetic Environment Based on Quasi-3D Method [C]. Proc. 2011 International Conference in Electrics, Communication and Automatic, Springer.
[42] Q Wang, Lei Ren, L Zhang. Design and Implementation for Virtualization-Based Middleware of Cloud Simulation Platform [C]. Proc. 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology .
(3)国际建模仿真协会SCS (The Society for Modeling & Simulation International)会员
(4)国际仿真互操作标准化组织SISO ( Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization)会员
(5)中国系统仿真学会CASS (Chinese Association for System Simulation)会员
(7)ACM KDD China数据挖掘中国分会会员
(8)中国系统仿真学会CACC智能物联系统专委会Intelligent Networked Things (CINT)委员
(11)国际仿真学会会刊Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International副主编
(12)国际期刊IJCIM、IJAMT、RCIM、EIS、IEEE Trans、及国内期刊中国科学、计算机学报、软件学报、计算机集成制造系统等审稿专家
(13)ASME 制造科学与工程大会-云制造分会、5th International Conference on Enterprise Systems、19th Monterey Workshop大数据研讨会等国际会议程序委员会主席,10余个知名国际会议PC委员